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Properties of substance:



Group of substances:


Physical appearance:


Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Molar/atomic mass: 540.69

CAS №: 23509-16-2

Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

water: insoluble [Ref.]

Synthesis 1:

Reference: Journal of the American Chemical Society. - 1969. - Vol. 91, No. 14 pp. 3938

Eighteen milligrams of batrachotoxinin A and 170 mg of anhydride 2,4-dimethylpyrrole-3-carboxylic acid and ethyl Carbonic acid (8.2 molar excess) were dissolved in 3 ml of chloroform and stirred vigorously with 3.0 ml of 0.2 N potassium hydroxide solution for 5 hr at room temperature. The chloroform layer was separated and extracted with 0.3 N hydrochloric acid. The aqueous phase was made basic with ammonia and was extracted with chloroform. The chloroform was removed in vacuo and the 16 mg of basic products was purified over a column containing 14 g of silica gel (height 18 cm). The eluting solvent consisted of a mixture of chloroform and methanol, 9: 1. Each fraction consisted of 1.1 ml. Synthetic batrachotoxin (5 mg) appeared in fractions 21-24 and unreacted batrachotoxinin A (8 mg) was isolated after fraction 50. The synthetic batrachotoxin was identified by tlc, mass spectrometry, and nmr in deuteriochloroform and deuteriobenzene and by its unique toxicity, LD50 2 mcg/kg in mice.

LD50 (mg/kg):

0.002 (mice, subcutaneous)


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