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Properties of substance:

ammonium lactate

Group of substances:


Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 107.1085

Melting point (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

1-butanol: practically insoluble [Ref.]
acetone: insoluble [Ref.]
diethyl ether: insoluble [Ref.]
ethanol: practically insoluble [Ref.]
ethyl acetate: practically insoluble [Ref.]
glycerol: very soluble [Ref.]
i-propanol: practically insoluble [Ref.]
methanol: sparingly soluble [Ref.]
propanol: practically insoluble [Ref.]
water: very soluble [Ref.]

Properties of solutions:

78,8% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 1.2006 (20°)


  1. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. - 95ed. - CRC Press, 2014. - pp. 4-47
  2. Dean J.A. Lange's handbook of chemistry. - 1999. - pp. 3.16
  3. The Merck Index 11th ed., Merck & Company, 1989. - pp. 86

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